... and our wishes are so varied like the world of vinyls and and of those which they keep alive. It starts with the
market which asks for vinyl records. From lovers also with pleasure "black gold" called. Celebrate carries highly in
addition on other attempts and incentive to offer that - this market asks for records furthermore . "conviction purely"
just like the team of Celebrate Records which could provide the philisophie of vinyls and vision for all customers
persuasively. Of course the fascination for combining different music tracks plays an especially strong role by the
decision for the record. Also the variety of the printing, the finishing of sleeves and the recognition of value
walking along with it of artists is essential and not to underestimate.
To make the record fast, in top to quality and to reasonable conditions available was and is the basic concern of
Celebrate Records. The services all around the production as for example the customer interface, the logistic
possibilities as well as the motivated young team of Celebrate complete the pressing plant structured slender and
"It should simply give pleasure to work with us."
Following the slogan "HiQ in sound & service!" we are prepared very well for all demands and develop
steadily further in the future of this melodious and imperishable storage media ... and the young generation will
be inspired and entranced also again. Pls. don`t hesitate to test our efficiency and use our product portfolio to
offer an added value to your customers and to hold the special sound of the record present - WE are glad about new
challenges because in it the sense of the "vinyl life" exists among other things.
We live vinyl,
We make vinyl,
We love vinyl,
We are vinyl !!! ... come over and join us -